Connected Steps - Dog Training

Teach • Train • Trust

Whether you come to me for classes, 1:1s or a workshop, my hope is that you’ll leave having had fun, more knowledge than you can shake a stick at and excitement at what lies ahead for you and your best friend.



Training for the dog you really want

Most dog obedience training issues and bad dog behaviours are a result of human error, or human misunderstanding.

Everyone’s ideal dog will differ. What’s important to you won’t be important to Sarah down the street. There is no right and wrong. But whatever the ideal is, I believe everyone brings a dog home to enrich the lives of their family.

There’s so much more to our dogs than meets the eye. Understanding what lies beneath those beautiful doe-eyes is key to unlocking one of THE BEST relationships you’ll ever have.

Whether you’re landing here in search of help with your current dog or you’ve just brought a puppy home and want to ‘get it right’, you’ve found what you’re looking for. Support and guidance is also on hand if you’re thinking that a dog is the missing family piece but don’t know where to start.

My training revolves around your relationship with your dog. Everything we do will work towards your dog thinking you’re the bees knees, because if you’ve got that, everything else becomes a whole lot easier.

Relaxed, easy-going training is my aim. Whether you come to me for classes, 1:1s or a workshop, my hope is that you’ll leave having had fun, more knowledge than you can shake a stick at and excitement at what lies ahead for you and your best friend.

The simple everyday gets a whole lot better when your dog is by your side.